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Blair Peach

Primary School

A nurturing environment where we all learn and aspire together to be the best we can

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Child Sexual Exploitation

CSE involves exploitative situations, contexts and relationships where a child may receive something, such as food, gifts or in some cases simply affection, as a result of engaging in sexual activities.


CSE can take many forms but the perpetrator will always hold some kind of power over the victim. It is important to note that some young people who are being sexually abused do not exhibit any external signs of abuse.


The school has adopted the following procedure for handling cases of CSE, as outlined by the DfE:


Step one – Identifying cases


School staff members are aware of and look for the key indicators of CSE, these are as follows:


  • Going missing for periods of time or regularly going home late
  • Regularly missing school
  • Appearing with unexplained gifts and new possessions
  • Associating with other young people involved in exploitation
  • Having older boyfriends or girlfriends
  • Undergoing mood swings or drastic changes in emotional wellbeing
  • Displaying inappropriate sexualised behaviour


Step two – Referring cases


Where CSE, or the risk of it, is suspected, staff will discuss the case with the dedicated member of staff for child protection. If after discussion a concern still remains, local safeguarding procedures will be triggered, including referral to the LA.


Step three – Support


The LA and all other necessary authorities will then handle the matter to conclusion. The school will cooperate as needed.
